Summer Promotional Items will be Hot This Year!

By |2021-06-08T19:11:07+00:00May 27th, 2021|2021, Advantage Print Solutions, Apparel, Corporate Apparel, Corporate Gifts, Golf|

Great Summer Promotional Items for 2021 You can bet everyone is going to be enjoying their time together this summer. What a year it has been! Golfing numbers surged in 2020. Not only did people continue to golf, but a lot of people also took up golfing as a recreation. According to Golf Digest, golf's [...]

What We Are Thankful For…

By |2019-11-07T19:35:40+00:00November 7th, 2019|Advantage Print Solutions, Tax Forms, Thanksgiving|

This year I have so much to be thankful for. Like most of you, I've had a very busy year. There is always so much to do for work and family and sometimes it can be overwhelming. But, as I reflect this month there is so much to be grateful for! I thought I would [...]

Fall and Football Promotional Items #gobucks!

By |2019-08-13T16:40:58+00:00August 13th, 2019|Advantage Print Solutions, Blankets, Football Gifts|

Fall is just around the corner and guess what that means? Football! If you live in Ohio, or are a graduate of The Ohio State University, you know how important this time of year is to Buckeye fans. We're gearing up for the football season that officially starts on August 31, 2019. (Click here for [...]

Football Season is Here!

By |2017-08-30T18:11:45+00:00August 30th, 2017|Advantage Print Solutions, Football Gifts, Sports Promotional Items|

Football season is here! #GoBucks Can you believe that The Ohio State Buckeyes have their first game tomorrow? Nothing gets Columbus quite as excited as THE Ohio State University's beloved football team. If you live in Columbus you better at least pretend to be a Buckeye or you'll miss out on some of the best [...]

The Lasting Gift – Journals

By |2017-06-27T16:21:09+00:00June 27th, 2017|Advantage Print Solutions, Corporate Gifts|

Summer is a time when people like to kick back with a good book, coloring book or a journal. With the popularity of mindfulness and coloring, people are turning more and more to journals to relax and capture thoughts. It's evident that as a society we are tired of keyboards, phones and tablets. We have [...]

Fresh Gifts for Spring

By |2017-05-10T19:46:40+00:00April 26th, 2017|Advantage Print Solutions, Spring Promotional Gift|

Spring is here, can you feel the freshness in the air? What a great time to show your clients, prospects and employees that you care about them. I've selected a few wonderful items that you will love. Padfolios and Pens When you have to go for the urgent meeting with your boss and/or client a [...]

Writing With These Pens is a Dream

By |2017-05-10T19:46:40+00:00March 10th, 2017|Advantage Print Solutions, Promotional Items|

Writing is an integral part of our lives. We write everyday. Notes, lists, journals, letters (we should hand write more letters, don't you think)? In the age of technology, we forget how important it is to have nice writing instruments. We text, email, FB message and type an unbelievable amount of words each day. But [...]

10 Crazy Facts – The Power of Promotional Products

By |2017-05-10T19:46:41+00:00February 8th, 2017|Advantage Print Solutions, Promotional Items|

Promotional products are powerful because they promote your business AND provide useable, fun and necessary tools to your prospects and clients. The following results are from surveys and studies completed by the Professional Products Association. They reveal just how seamlessly promotional products integrate into life, impacting the daily routines of recipients, and how powerful promotional products [...]

Happy Thanksgiving

By |2017-05-10T19:46:41+00:00November 16th, 2016|Advantage Print Solutions, Thanksgiving|

It's been a crazy year here in the USA. This is a wonderful time to reflect on what we have to be thankful for. This Thanksgiving is a perfect opportunity to remember that we are all together here in this country, this world, this life. It's been proven over and over that gratitude changes lives like [...]

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