Promotional products are powerful because they promote your business AND provide useable, fun and necessary tools to your prospects and clients.

The following results are from surveys and studies completed by the Professional Products Association. They reveal just how seamlessly promotional products integrate into life, impacting the daily routines of recipients, and how powerful promotional products are in growing a business. (Source: Professional Products Association International)

  • 91% of consumers surveyed had at least one promotional product in their kitchen.
  • 74% of consumers surveyed had at least one promotional product in their work area.
  • 55% of consumers surveyed had at least one promotional product in their bedroom closet/storage space.
  • Seven in 10 consumers recalled receiving at least one promotional product in the past 12 months.
  • 88% of consumers recall the advertiser from a promotional product received in the past 12 months.
  • When it comes to frequency of use, calendars and planners (85%), computer products (85%) and electronic devices & accessories (82%), take the top 3 spots.
  • Most promotional products are kept at home (54%) or on the person (24%).
  • Promotional products that are not worth keeping are either filed away and ignored (42%) or given to someone else. Only one in 5 consumers trash non-wanted promotional products.
  • Salespeople who give promotional gifts to their customers receive 22% more referrals than salespeople who do not.
  • Customers’ personal feelings toward a company and its sales representatives who gave away a promotional item with a thank you letter: customers who received the item scored 52% higher than the letter only group.

The bottom line is promotional products work! They are a great use of marketing dollars and will spread your brand far and wide for years to come.

Contact me if you would like to a quote on a promotional item.

I look forward to helping you soon!

Debbie Smith, Owner