It’s that time again! Time to order your holiday cards. Nothing says you care more than a personalized card or gift. Here are 5 reasons to consider this for 2016.

Number 1. No one does it anymore!holidaycard5

With technology being so prevalent in our culture today, getting something tactile, something to actually touch is unique.

It’s fun to get a personalized card or gift at work. Imagine how you will be thought of when your card or your gift is delivered and opened. People remember for a long time that you took the time and effort.

Number 2. Stand out in the crowd.holidaycard1

You want to represent quality and care to your clients.

While others are sending e-cards and Facebook holiday posts, you will stand out from the crowd and demonstrate the greater value you place on the relationship.

Number 3. You will be remembered.

holidaycard4With so much to get done this time of year, most people are focused and don’t give much time to anything other than the tasks at hand. However, if they get something delieverd or in the mail, they will take a few moments to see what it is!

A card or gift will cause your clients pause (a welcome pause) and that will make you forefront in their minds.

Number 4. You’ll get put on the bulletin board!holidaycard2

People love to hang on to special cards and gifts.

They will share a chocolate gift basket with family and friends (well, they might!) They will tape a card on the wall or post it on a bulletin board.

Be the company that fosters good will and you will get great referrals.

chocolate-boxNumber 5. Quality counts.

Taking the time to send personalized cards or gifts shows that you are truly a professional. You remembered. You care and you were on top of things enough to get it done before it was to late!

We can help you get just the right card or holiday gift ready on time and on budget. Contact us now to get started.

I look forward to helping you,

Debbie Smith, Owner