Staying Healthy in 2021

By |2021-01-21T20:28:03+00:00January 21st, 2021|2021, COVID19, COVID19 Resistant, Promotional Items|

We all know staying healthy is one of the biggest goals for everyone in 2021. Every year, most people make health one of their priorities as they consider their New Years' resolutions. With the pandemic, keeping our immune systems safe and healthy is top of the list. Sure we all want to lose weight and [...]

COVID19 Resistant Promotional Products

By |2020-07-28T16:03:06+00:00July 28th, 2020|Antimicrobial, COVID19, COVID19 Resistant, Promotional Items, Promotional Pens|

We are happy to announce there are now promotional products which are "COVID19 resistant". They are "antimicrobial products" and/or stainless steel. This means you can safely use and distribute these products knowing they fight off the microbes that can cause disease. What is Antimicrobial? In contrast to antibacterial agents, antimicrobial substances offer a greater level [...]

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