Things to Be Grateful for in 2021
As 2020 comes to a close, I've been thinking about what I'm already grateful for coming up in 2021. Everyone has been talking about how "terrible" the year 2020 has been. I don't know about [...]
What are you Grateful for in 2020?
No one could have predicted just how stressful 2020 would be. I am happy we have Thanksgiving right now, to stop and reflect on what to be thankful for. #1 on my list is family. [...]
Holiday Season Peace of Mind
Could I help you with a little peace of mind in the 2020 holiday season? It's been a crazy year, to put it mildly. I've been thinking a lot about how I can help my [...]
2021 Promotional Logo Calendars
Give away a promotional product that will serve as a reminder of your brand all 365 days of the year. Everyone us going to remember 2021, the year after COVID, right? Let's make it a [...]
OH-IO! #BuckeyeLove
We may not have live football this season, but that does not mean we don't have the Buckeye Spirit! OSU has created a hashtag just for us Buckeye fans #BUCKEYELOVE, and they make it really [...]
COVID19 Resistant Promotional Products
We are happy to announce there are now promotional products which are "COVID19 resistant". They are "antimicrobial products" and/or stainless steel. This means you can safely use and distribute these products knowing they fight off [...]